Thank you to the officers and committee of The Whippet Club for inviting me to judge dogs at the Open Show. I had the most wonderful day judging and had some really quality classes of males. Thank you to my stewards Amy and Adam who kept the ring running smoothly.
I found some classes had such a huge variety of type and due to this I found myself drawn toward a stronger, sometimes heavier built male, who excelled in true movement, rather than to a finer, more elegant type who may have looked stunning stacked but not quite so on the move.
One fault that I must mention as I saw it numerous times – Cat Feet! Little tiny round feet, so well knuckled and tight that there is no length of toe, especially on the hind feet, which gives the strangest of stance behind. Whippets need a length of toe to turn on the move, front and back but especially on the hind feet. A round cat foot cannot reach, nor can it drive and gives to a shorter stride. I can only imagine trying to run with your toes clenched!
Minor Puppy Dog (4)
- Price’s Railfield Rainomen for Silkdance. 6Mth fawn, Good head with neat ears, lovely length of neck leading to well laid shoulders. Super pasterns. Depth of chest adequate for age, body in excellent condition and fine coat. Gentle arch over loin to moderately angulated hind quarters. Good muscle tone for age. Best mover in this class of real babies. Unfortunately, he lacked lustre on the move in his second class.
- Yeates & Winter’s Zoraden Bright Star. 6Mth red fawn and white. Another presented in really lovely body condition and muscle tone. Good length of neck and front assembly. Excellent depth of chest for age and a really lovely underline complimenting his curvy topline. Super hind angulation. Just preferred the front movement and pasterns of 1 but still moved well for one so young.
- Bellamy’s Mithrandir Albatross
Puppy Dog (1)
- Neale’s Runaround Jazz Singer at Stormalong. 11Mth pale fawn. A nice young male who on the day was just at one of those slightly awkward stages of growth. A nice head with super expression and the kindest of eye. Excellent length of neck and well sprung pasterns. Quite shallow in brisket at this stage in his development. Curvy underline with neat tuck up.
Junior Dog (5/1abs)
- Winstone’s Lolani Moonshine over Monelli. 14Mth fawn parti. A really quality young male with the very best of outlines. Fantastic size. Gorgeous head and expression. Excellent pigmentation and eye shape. Smooth to go over and a body that just flows. Good pasterns which are complimented by correct feet. Both his front and hind angles are fantastic. His movement was true coming and going. Pushed very hard for reserve best dog.
- Wood’s Ardencote What A Rogue. 13Mth fawn parti. Lovely head with strong muzzle and good underjaw. Another of fantastic size. Thicker set in neck than 1. Good depth of chest and strong body. Moderately angulated hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved well.
Maiden Dog (3/1abs)
- Allen’s Zoraden A Question Answered. 6Mth fawn and white. A real baby but who enjoyed his time in the ring. Excellent head with kind expression, neat ears and strong underjaw. Lovely front assembly from tip of shoulder right down to the tips of his toes. Super front feet. Body correct for age. Moved well in class but a little loose in front in the challenge. Preferred the underjaw, front feet and ring presence of 1.
- Price’s Railfield Rainomen for Silkdance
Special Beginners Dog (4/1abs)
- Trouton’s Runnel Run for Fun. 3 year old fawn. I have had the pleasure of judging this chap before and really do love his shape and outline. On the stack he is hard to fault. Kindest of expressions, combined with correctly set neat ears. Lovely long neck onto a flowing shoulder and topline which he holds on the move. Powerful body with excellent muscle tone and coat. Hind angles match the front perfectly for good overall balance. Good mover just could be a tad tidier in front.
- Perkins’ Dejare Would You Believe at Zeglynn ShCM. 6 year old fawn. Gorgeous head with long elegant neck. The most amazing of coats and a dream to go over. Superb body condition and muscle tone. Moved very well. I preferred the return of upper arm and depth of chest of 1.
- Kaseki’s Changane Ezra
Novice Dog (7/2 abs)
- Winstone’s Lolani Moonshine over Monelli (1st Junior Dog)
- Allen’s Zoraden A Question Answered. (1st Maiden Dog)
- Hillyer’s Alroed Heaven Scent
Undergraduate Dog (5/1abs)
- Allen’s Zoraden Shades of Bracken. 11Mth red fawn. This young male is so very together for one so young. His body is in the very best of condition and a real dream to go over. He is up to size but otherwise is made so very well. Considering he has such a dark mask, he has a very kind and loving expression. Strong, long neck and correct shoulders. Lovely pasterns and feet. Deep chest and curvy outline. When it came to the challenge for BPD, there were others who were more pleasing in size, however, for a puppy, his movement cannot be faulted. He moved as straight as a die for and aft and effortlessly round the ring. I was therefore pleased to award him Best Puppy Dog.
- Hillyer’s Evaluna Blue Bayou. 2 year old blue. A very nice young male who I feel often gets overlooked. Although another who is up to size, he is very nicely put together and this reflects in his movement. Masculine head set onto a long arched neck. He had the very best of pasterns and neat feet, good underline and topline and a strong back end. Pushed very hard for first place in this class and I was splitting hairs between 1 & 2. In the end the 1 just pipped him to the post just very slightly on movement. Very well handled.
- Wood’s Ardencote What A Legend
Post Graduate Dog (3/1abs)
- Barkas’ Citycroft Fred Astaire. 18Mth brindle and white male. Another larger framed male who doesn’t lack quality. He is unquestionably masculine yet with a kind and loving expression. His coat was gleaming and felt like velvet underhand. I really liked his over all balance of angles. Very nice shoulder placement and a lovely flowing topline which is held on the move. True coming and going, effortless side gait.
- Zevenbergen’s Gold Finch. 5 year old fawn male of classic type. Elegant head with nicely set on, neat ears. Long arched neck, Good shoulders and pasterns. Not quite as deep in brisket as 1. Well angulated front and back with a good length of loin. Nails could be trimmed shorter. Preferred the true movement of 1.
Limit Dog (4)
- Neale’s Runaround Starman at Stormalong JW. 2 year old fawn. A very nice young male who is of excellent size. Elegant head and neck, with good underjaw and nicely set ears. Superb front angulation and infill, lovely bone and correctly sprung pasterns. Deep brisket, lovely overall balance and type. Super feet. True moving, just needed to be moved a tad faster to really show off his super movement.
- Barkas’ Jimanica Just Dreaming 3 year old fawn and white parti. Another super mover! A little higher on the leg than 1 but still giving an elegant and balanced outline. The best of expression on a stunning head. Lovely dark pigmentation. Smooth shoulders and good return of upper arm. Just slightly shallower in brisket than 1. Presented in stunning coat. True moving for and aft and light on his feet.
- Perkins’ Dejare Dutch Masterpiece at Zeglynn ShCM
Open Dog (4)
- Price’s Wheelspin Silver Shadow among Silkdance JW. 2 year old fawn. Another classy 2 year old. I was really splitting hairs between 1 and 2 in this class but 1 just got it on his movement for and aft. Nicely sized with smooth overall appearance and classic whippet shape. Exvcellentt front assembly good spring of rib and gentle arch over the loin to a strong and powerful hindquarter. Lovely feet. Moved straight as a die for and aft.
- Shepherd’s Citycroft Sundae with Oxana JW ShCM ShCEx. Classy 3 year old fawn. Super head and expression, with excellent underjaw and the darkest of eyes. Elegantly arched neck set onto a well laid shoulder. Good return of upper arm and the best of pasterns. Neat feet. Deep brisket with curvy underline. Well muscled thighs and well let down hocks. Excels in effortless sidegait. I have had the pleasure of judging this chap before and just felt a larger ring would have really suited him more today.
- Bellamy’s Kandalama Royale
Special Open – Height (2)
- Neale’s Runaround Starman at Stormalong JW (1st Limit Dog)
- Trouton’s Runnel Run for Fun (1st Special Beginners Dog)
Special Open – Racing/Lure Coursing
- Osborne’s Derohan Viking Flagship. 8 year old silver brindle. An older male who does not give away his age in any way! Handsome head with kind and loving expression. Neat ears and beautifully arched neck. Powerful shoulders and the deepest of briskets. Presented in fit hard condition which could put some youngsters to shame. Excellent second thigh. Moved true coming and going.
- Webber’s Zoraden Paint It Black. 2 year old brindle. Different stamp to 1. Masculine head with dark mask. Higher on the leg yet balanced. Good front and infill. Another presented in fit condition as one would expect in this class. Moved well and enjoyed his time in the ring.
- Saxby’s Nattah Knight Gawaine with Sandspring
Veteran Dog 7-9 Years (5)
I absolutely loved this class and smiled from the moment the exhibits entered the ring to the moment they walked out.
- Allen’s Ch Zoraden Gingerbread Latte JW. 7 year old red fawn and white. Another who I have judged before a few years ago and not a stitch has changed only his face maybe is a little bit greyer. He is a delight to go over with the very best of muscle tone, He has the kindest of eye of correct shape, on a strong and masculine head. Long neck set onto a fabulous front assembly. Super overall balance, with front and back angles complimenting each other. The very best of feet and pasterns. Smooth coat and flowing outline. One the move he is light on his feet and not one step was out of place for and aft. His movement, overall balance and size made me very happy to award him Best Dog and Best Veteran.
- Whitehead, Smith & Mixides’ Ch Citycroft Star Gazing over Yialousa JW. 7 year old red fawn. A dog I have admired from the ringside many a time and was so pleased to get my hands on him. A little taller than one but nevertheless a stunning male. Excellent head, Long and elegant, gently arched neck. Smooth shoulders and superb front. Well ribbed and strong loin. Nicely angulated hind quarters which propelled him on the move. True coming and going. 1 just pipped him to the post on muscle tone but only very slightly, both are such quality dogs. Thank you for bringing them. Please to award this chap Reserve Best Dog.
- Candler-Smith’s Ch Maidenbower Make Believe
Veteran Dog 10+ (1)
- Home & Fisher-Home’s Becscott Lessons Dreamer of Jasarat. 10 year old fawn. Another fabulous veteran who doesn’t give away his age in his body condition. A beautifully sized male with a superb head and gentle expression. The most fantastic teeth that could quite easily been seen on a do 6 years younger! Great feet and spring of pastern, smooth topline which was held on the move. Moved so well.
Special Progeny Dog or Bitch (6)
What a fabulous class of Dogs with their offspring! The ring was packed with quality dogs, both myself and my co judge, Serena Williams, both came to a unanimous decision on all placings
- Reed & Pace’s Dejare Dream On. A beautiful team of fawns all cast from the same mold. Masculine males and feminine females who all trotted around the ring in harmony. Their quality and type shone through to win them the class.
- Moncrieff’s Runaround Serenade. Another team of quality fawns. So classic in their type. All were very good for size, all very elegant examples of the breed.
- Hills’ Shimmeree Black Satin
Judge Katie Manners (Mannerpool)