The Whippet Club – Obedience

Important Announcement!

Due to certain matters beyond the control of the committee of the Obedience Section, it has not been possible to arrange any training days or competitions for the coming year.

It is hoped that these problems will be overcome for the future, when we shall be pleased to up-date you.

The Whippet Club Obedience Section

The Whippet Club Obedience Section was formed by a small group of enthusiasts who wanted to show how versatile our lovely breed really is. Eight dogs and their owners gave a display of obedience at The Whippet Club Show in 1992 to an audience that did not believe it could be done!

The following year the Whippet Club put on two obedience classes for us, Pre-Beginners and Beginners. These were well attended and proved to be a great success. We have had classes every year since, and also now include a Novice and an ‘A’ class.

The original team of eight dogs were asked to perform at the Contest of Champions at Wembley in front of a huge crowd, it was a real thrill to be showing off our little dogs’ talents at such a prestigious event.

The following year we were asked to put on a bigger display at Crufts, and so the Whippet Club Obedience Team was born.

The team who went to Crufts in 1994 comprised 16 dogs and handlers. This team showed how we train our dogs, building up each exercise in heelwork, recalls and retrieves, and then showing the ‘top dogs’ performing ‘A’ Recalls, Scent and Sendaways.

A lot of people were very impressed. ‘Whippets can do obedience’ they said. After all the months of preparation for Crufts our team had enjoyed the experience and become good friends so we approached the Whippet Club to see if they would let us form an Obedience Section. They were keen to support us, but it was another year before we gained Kennel Club recognition.

Obedience News

Obreedience Show Crufts 2016

Obedience Announcement

Due to certain matters beyond the control of the committee of the Obedience Section, it has not been possible to arrange any training days or competitions for the coming year.


Aims of the WCOS

  1. To promote the development of obedience training with whippets.
  2. To encourage and preserve whippets in obedience.
  3. To gain still more pleasure and satisfaction from owning this versatile breed.

Welcome to the world of whippet obedience, where we hope you and your dog/s will have lots of fun. Obedience is about building a bond between you and your dog so that he/she will want to please you. This should be encouraged with lots of play and praise, whether he/she has done well or not. Through the WCOS we hope to encourage you and your dog to enjoy and take part in shows, annual tests and other fun events.

As a member of our section we will keep you informed with what is going on, usually via email if possible as this saves on postage. We hold training days throughout the year, and a Fun Day in the summer with obedience, agility and fun dog show. We advise that each member finds an obedience club local to them to train their dog/s on a weekly basis and then enjoy getting together with other whippets at our events.

Whippet Doing Agility
Alice over the agility jumps
Whippet Heelwork
Lynn Griffiths Preparing to Start a Round of Obedience With Ella (aka Pelyma Blimey I’m Black)
Whippet scurry
Fred in a bit of a scurry
Full Obedience Demonstration Team
The First Demonstration Team From About 1992.
Whippet Doing Flymouse
Slipper doing Flymouse (a variation of Flyball)
Obedience Line up photo
Crumbs!! The Judge, Steward AND ALL the competitors are smiling. She must have been a good judge!!
Whippet Club Down Stays
Look at these Whippets All lying Down Doing A “Down Stay” For Their Owners Who Are Out Of Sight.
Whippet Club Sit Stays
Here They Are Doing A “Sit Stay” With Their Owners and Officials in Full View

The Whippet Club Obedience Section Display at Crufts 1999

Join the Whippet Club

Membership Of The Whippet club entitles you to up to date information on all forthcoming Whippet Club shows as well as two free issues a year of our great club magazine.