Sunday 30th April 2023

Leisure Lakes. Mere Brow, Tarleton, PR4 6JX
Main Open: 175 yds N/E 16lb 18lb 20lb 22lb 24lb 26lb 28lb 30lb 32lb
Veteran Open: 150 yds (1/2yd per pound plus 1yd per year) 14-22lb, 23-27lb, 28-32lb.
Under NPWRC Rules, once a whippet has reached it’s 9th Birthday, it will no longer be eligible to compete.
No consolation racing. All dogs will be offered a second run
Qualifies for Six Counties, WCRA Superstars (With the exception of the Vets) and NPWRA points.
WCRA or NPWRA passport to be shown as proof a dog has cleared for racing.
CLOSING DATE 15th April 2023