I’d like to start by thanking the Officers and Committee of the Whippet Club for their invitation to judge dogs at their 125th Anniversary Championship Show, and their first partnership show with Southern Counties Canine Association at Newbury. It was an honour and a privilege. Very many thanks also go to Vanna Leathart and Mia Chapell, my two stewards, who worked hard all day and were always on the ball, keeping me on track and organised. The weather sadly was far from ideal for our beloved breed. Quite a few dogs were shivering in the cold and spooked by the wind rattling both the ring tape and the tents. Had the weather been kinder, some of my decisions may have been slightly different. One thing I did notice during my judging was the number of dogs with short upper arms. Our breed standard asks for equal lengths of shoulder and upper arm, with the elbow placed underneath the withers. When the upper arm is short, it is reflected in the front movement which can look stilted, lacking the freedom and ease of action of a beautiful running hound. Having said that, there were plenty of well constructed dogs for me to choose from and I was highly delighted with my overall winners who were superb exemplars of the breed.
Veteran (5,1)
- BVD & BVIS Shepherd’s Ch Citycroft Sundae with Oxana JW ShCM ShCEx VW
I was very pleased with this superb 8 yr old veteran who was in excellent condition, and whose movement completely belied his age. A quality, balanced and typey red fawn with a lovely head and melting expression. Long neck into very well constructed forequarters, straight front with bladed bone. Good depth of chest and fill in, and excellent forechest. Well ribbed back leading to strong loin and well muscled hindquarters with excellent width to his thigh, and nicely developed second thigh. His movement was straight to and fro, and showed freedom and ease, with active paces in profile. A very worthy champion and considered for the CC. He is an absolute credit to his owner. So pleased for him to be awarded BVIS in agreement with my co-judge. - Russell’s Glantam Genesis at Arjuna
Another lovely veteran built on longer lines than 1. Typey, masculine pale fawn with super dark pigment. Well laid shoulders and excellent return of upper arm, nice amount of forechest and good depth of chest. Shapely underline but a little tense in his topline today. Lovely width to his thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved a little close behind today but showed nice paces in profile. - Wayman & Wayman’s Crème Anglaises One More Knight at Scarletfair (Imp Ned)
Minor Puppy (3,0)
- Powell, Mycroft & Mycroft’s Supeta’s Jammie Dodger for Almakaeala
Well angulated and balanced fawn boy, the most mature in the class and ok for size, although I wouldn’t want him to grow on too much more. Lovely head and expression with good ears. Long neck into well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm and nice forechest. Good length to loin. Moved well to and fro, and with ease in profile. - McDonald & McDonald’s All Eyes On Me Reverhof at Solentwaves (Imp Lva)
Shapely and balanced black with white trim and a very typey outline. Nicely angulated fore and aft, well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm down to good pasterns and feet. Would just like a little more bone. Super topline well held on the move. Moved well out but slightly untidy back today. However, showed freedom and ease in profile. - Hutchinson’s Zenobia Just An Illusion with Sweetaurora
Puppy (10,1)
- Wilton-Clark’s Oliver Twist
I was rather taken with this young lad. There was lots to like about this quality, balanced and typey pale brindle and white dog with flowing lines, presented in lovely condition. Well constructed forequarters, with a nice amount of forechest down to good depth of chest and straight front. Good hindquarters with excellent width to his thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved straight to and fro and superbly in profile, showing reach and drive, all the while holding his flowing topline steady. I shall watch this boy’s show career with interest, I’m sure he will do well. - Poole, Morris & Waddell’s Falconcrag Match Maker at Crosscop
Lovely, balanced and typey pale fawn puppy built on longer lines than 1. Nice head and expression with a good under jaw. Well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm down to straight front. Curvy underline but topline a little tense today. Moved straight out and back, and his well muscled hindquarters allowed him to show reach and drive in profile. - Winkley-Balmer & Winkley’s Edenwhip Call Me At Night
Junior (12,1)
- BPD & BPIS Morland’s Zoraden Master Baker
Stand out winner in this class and another with lots to like. He was a quality, masculine, balanced and typey blue fawn with white trim and super muscle tone. Nice head and expression, well muscled neck into excellent front construction and pleasing forechest. Good depth of chest, and straight front with slightly sprung pasterns. Curvy top and under lines, well held on the move. He moved straight to and fro and showed reach and good drive from behind, moving freely with ease in profile. Considered for the CC. I was very taken with this super boy who had 1 day left as a puppy but did not lack in maturity, just has a little space left to drop into himself. He’s already troubling the best, and there is more yet to come. Another whose career I shall watch with interest. Pleased for him to be awarded BPIS in agreement with my co-judge. - Arkell’s Barnesmore Celtic King
Very nice pale brindle youngster with only 14 days left to go in puppy. Masculine, well muscled and typey built on longer lines than 1, with a nice head and expression. Long neck into well laid shoulders, good forechest and good return of upper arm. Straight front, slightly sprung pasterns and stood on the neatest of feet. Top and under lines still to come with maturity. Lovely width to thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved nicely in profile but not quite as tidy out and back as 1 today. - Tyson, Tyson & Tyson’s Starceylon Dancing Master JW
Yearling (6,0)
- DCC & BIS Yacoby-Wright’s Ch Cobyco Catch Your Eye
I absolutely loved this stunning pale blue fawn dog. Top quality, masculine, balanced and typey, with a super, flowing outline. Presented in perfect muscle condition, he had everything I was looking for in a male whippet: elegance and grace of outline, yet still having the strength to be masculine without any inkling of coarseness, a Rudolf Nureyev of the whippet world, looking like he could do his job all day long. He scored in every area of the breed standard but what I particularly liked were his strong pasterns, neatest of feet and well let down hocks, along with his movement. He was foot perfect out and back, and in profile he strode out with freedom and ease, covering the ground with superb drive and low, forward reach. I wasn’t surprised to learn that he was already a champion at the tender age of 19½ months I’m sure many more CCs will come his way. Delighted for him to be awarded BIS in agreement with my co-judge. Congratulations! - Jones & Jones’ Jothryn Johnny Be Good
Pale brindle with white trim, not as mature as 1 and a little unsettled, but still showed quality and balance. Lovely head and expression, good depth of chest. Shapely top and under lines. Moved straight to and fro, and steadily in profile, keeping his topline on the move. - Russell’s Longmire Atlantic Starman with Arjuna
Novice (11,3)
- McDonald & McDonald’s All Eyes On Me Reverhof at Solentwaves (Imp Lva)
See 2nd Minor Puppy - Strong & Clinton’s Crosscop Kiss Me Here for Mackjama
Red fawn & white trim with lovely pigment. At 10 months old, he was at a slightly gangly stage with lots of maturing still to do. Good depth of chest for his age and excellent, well muscled hindquarters. He moved very well especially in profile, which was free and easy with his back legs coming well under. - Booker’s Longmire Bring Me Sunshine
Graduate (8,0)
- McDonald & McDonald’s Penbriar Jet Setter to Solentwaves
Quality, balanced black, well muscled with a super outline and type. Nice head and expression, elegantly arched neck into lovely clean shoulders, with return of upper arm to match. Excellent depth of chest. Shapely top and under lines leading to good, well muscled hindquarters. Good width to his thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved straight to and fro, showing nice reach and drive in profile. - Tristram’s Supeta’s Just Do It
Typey, balanced fawn parti-colour. Nice head with a pleasing under jaw and strong neck into well laid, clean shoulders with good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest, down to straight front and strong pasterns. Curvy top and under lines. Just not quite the width of thigh of 1, but a super mover. Absolutley straight and parallel out and back, and very pleasing in profile. - Smith & Goddard-Smith’s Edenwhip Love At First Sight for Neviwesh
Special Beginners (11,3)
- Steel’s Tigsisle Time After Time
Typey and masculine balanced blue fawn and white, who was quite nicely put together. Strong neck into well laid shoulder, but just needing a little more return of upper arm. Shapely top and under lines, good width to his thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved straight to and fro, and very nicely in profile when his handler allowed. - Hughes & Jackson’s Penbriar Corruleam Sky
Another typey and masculine blue dog with a nice outline. Good bone and strong pasterns. Well muscled lad with a broad back, leading to good width of thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved straight to and fro and well in profile, with free and easy strides. - Searle & Rawlinson’s Reffton Tibalt at Whipsearle JW (Imp Esp)
Post Graduate (12,2)
- Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Chasing The Wind JW
Quality, well balanced and masculine dark brindle and white. Lovely head and expression. Strong neck into well laid, clean shoulders but needing a little more return of upper arm to complete the picture. Good depth of chest and straight front. Curvy topline held well on the move. Good width to his thigh and well developed second thigh. Moved straight and true, to and fro, and well in profile. - Wayman’s Ranveli Beach Boy at Scarletfair
Masculine, balanced and typey pale brindle parti-colour, built on longer lines than 1. Nice head and expression, strong neck into clean shoulders but another needing a little more return of upper arm to complete the picture. Nice amount of forechest, straight front and neat feet. Curvy top and under lines. Not quite the angulation or tidy movement of 1, but moved nicely in profile. - Manners, McDonald & Chant Florancy Dark And Stormy
Limit (13,2)
- Poole & Service’s Crosscop Twist And Shout
Quality, balanced red fawn with white trim, very nicely put together. Elegant neck into excellent front construction, straight forelegs and standing on neat feet. Good depth of chest and well ribbed back into strong loin. Shapely top and under lines, and nicely muscled hindquarters. Tidiest of movers out and back, and strode out with freedom in profile - Wood’s Ardencote What A Rogue
Typey, balanced fawn parti-colour with a good head and expression. Strong neck into well laid, clean shoulders with good return of upper arm. Straight front and good pasterns. Good tuck up and curvy top line held well on the move. Moved straight and tidy out and back, and steadily in profile. - Wayman’s Collooney Charlie Brown at Scarletfair
Open (10,0)
What a super class full of top quality dogs. I so wished I had more than just the one CC to award today! I was splitting hairs between my first three who could all change places on another day, perhaps with kinder weather conditions. My first just seemed to be completely unfazed by the cold and the noise from the tent and ring tape.
- & RDCC Dillon & Bailey’s Ch Collooney Eat My Shorts at Runforest JW
I was completely taken by this stunning, top quality and typey dark brindle white trim who was up to size and masculine, but still had all the elegance and grace one could want in a whippet dog. I loved everything about this boy and, like my CC winner, he fits the breed standard extremely well. He was presented in the best of muscle condition, with the best skin and coat of the day, and my hands just flowed over his super smooth lines from his head to his toes. He excelled on the move with tidy, free, easy and effortless strides looking like he could go all day without blinking. A very worthy champion! It was such a very close decision for the CC. - Wheeler’s Ch Ranveli Diki Diki
Another superb, top quality, balanced and typey dog with so very much to like about him. Pale brindle with white trim, masculine and elegant. Lovely head, with a sweet expression and excellent pigment. Strong neck into well laid, clean shoulders with upper arm to match. Straight front and neat feet. Excellent depth of chest and well ribbed back. Super curvy topline, with arch over his loin and shapely underline leading to well constructed hindquarters. Another scoring highly on the move with free easy strides. He just seemed to be a little tense today so lost out to a dog on top form. - Dillon & Bailey’s Stonefox Ice Pick Willy at Runforest JW
Yet another top quality stunning lad who is troubling the best. He looked a little tense on the stack today, possibly not appreciating the weather conditions, but moved out in style with effortless, low forward reach and super drive from behind.
Open Racing/Lure Coursing (5,0)
- McDonald & McDonald’s Penbriar Jet Setter to Solentwaves
See 1st Graduate - Webber’s Denimblue Willdo JW
Masculine, balanced and typey blue dog. Strong neck into well constructed forequarters. Good depth of chest and tuck up, and curvy top line held well on the move. Well constructed and muscled hindquarters, with good width to his thigh and well developed second thigh. Standing on good feet. Very true mover out and back, and with freedom in profile. - Yeates, Winter & Morland Zoraden Maserati JW
Dog CC: | Ch Cobyco Catch Your Eye |
Reserve Dog CC: | Ch Collooney Eat My Shorts at Runforest JW |
Best Puppy Dog: | Zoraden Master Baker |
Best Veteran Dog: | Ch Citycroft Sundae with Oxana JW ShCM ShCEx VW |
Judge: Jo Beckett-Hughes