Bitch Critique – Whippet Club Open Show, 28 September 2024

Open Show Winners September 2024

Thank you to The Whippet Club Committee for inviting me to judge at their Open Show. It was a real privilege to be invited and have the opportunity to judge so many super whippets. Many thanks to Clara and Louise for ensuring the smooth running of my ring. You were incredibly efficient and made my job easier.

There were some wonderful hounds here and a great quality in depth throughout many classes. Decisions and placing were sometimes made on very fine margins. I was delighted with my line up.

It was very enjoyable to judge alongside Luke Sampson, we were both in agreement on all of the main winners.
Thank you to all the exhibitors for bringing their wonderful hounds, and for accepting my decisions in such a sporting manner.

Special Veteran Bitch (7-9 Yrs) (9:4)

  1. Osborne, Mrs C Florancy Above and Beyond Derohan JW
    Nicely balanced 7-year-old brindle and white, she has a lovely overall shape and is spot on for size. Pretty head with the dark oval eyes and pigmentation. Correct in front construction, her chest is deep with plenty of infill. She is shapely in topline and underline and has a broad, muscular loin. She moved with a lovely free action in profile. BVB
  2. Hills, Mrs C and Miss M Shimmeree Black Satin JW
    Elegant 8½-year-old black shown in super condition. Her skull is long and lean with strength to underjaw and strong dentition. She has a good length of neck that flows into nicely placed shoulders with correct return of upper arm. Lovely, sweeping underline and topline, leading to a strongly made rear. Standing on neat feet, she looked a picture in profile.
  3. Carlton, MS CA and Olney, Mr T Chendetom Overture

Special Veteran Bitch (10 yrs +) (2)

  1. Osborne, Mrs C Derohan Pour Moi JW
    13-year-old black brindle, a super old lady who has lost none of her qualities with age. I loved her sweet, gentle expression, which is breed typical. Her long, strong, neck flows into a decent front assembly. She has a good dept of chest and a short, broad loin. Nicely angulated rear quarters with neat, well-padded feet. She moved soundly on the out and back – a real credit to her owners.
  2. Royle, Mr S and Fricke, Mrs U Kaymark Ring of Bells
    Sweet 10-year-old red brindle with white trim, who enjoyed her time in the ring. Feminine head of equal planes and small rosed ears. I liked her rear, which was broad with well bent stifles and low set hocks. She was steep in the croup and this caused her to stand and move a little roached. Shown in good coat and condition.

Minor Puppy Bitch (5:1)

A lovely class to judge, with some quality puppies!

  1. Lock, Miss RL Ohoka Top Tuppence
    A promising 8-month-old fawn at her first show and didn’t she do well! I loved her curvy, well-proportioned outline – she is well bodied and muscled for one so young. Her attractive, feminine head is set on an elegant reachy neck. She has a lovely front assembly, with her elbows sitting nicely under, and has a good depth of brisket. She is balanced in rear, with width to her second thigh. She moved soundly and confidently. A really lovely puppy. I was pleased to award her BPB and then BPIS.
  2. Cahill, Mr M and Timberlake, Mr AJ Ardencote Dance a Dream at Chipperlake
    Gracefully balanced 7-month-old fawn and white. She is a lovey size and shape, with clean flowing lines all through. Feminine, breed typical head with dark, oval eyes and pigmentation. She has a correct front assembly, with good depth of chest and infill for her age. She maintained her topline on the move. Just missed out by the slightest of margins – she should have a bright future.
  3. Gallie, Mrs K A Silkridge Gold Fever Via Erbys

Puppy Bitch (4:1)

  1. Skinner, Mrs K Whitesquall Mionetto
    A well grown 10-month-old cream brindle. Correctly proportioned head with a lovely expression and nicely held rosed ears. Her long, muscular neck flows into well placed shoulders. She has a good depth of chest and nicely ribbed back; she just needs to fill out a little in front. Her strong hindquarters and parallel hocks helped her to move soundly around the ring. Nicely handled.
  2. Carlton, Ms C and Olney, Mr T Chiendetom Melody
    Shapely 10-month-old red brindle. Head long and lean with slight stop and good length of muzzle. Her front assembly is good, with bladed bone, tight oval feet and strong nails. Broad, well ribbed back with correct slope to croup. Pleasing side gait, just a little close going away.
  3. Perkins, Ms G Zeglynn Ginger Punch

Junior Bitch (5:2)

  1. Gillespie, Mrs S Penbriar Touch a Dream
    Pretty 16-month-old fawn and white, very collected for her age and stood naturally over a lot of ground. Balanced in angulations both front and rear. She has good depth to her chest, with a broad back and muscular loin. Steady mover around the ring, her tail carried in a gentle curve.
  2. Carlton, Ms C and Olney, Mr T Chiendetom Cantata
    10-month-old red brindle. Good front assembly with width and depth to brisket. Her back is broad and nicely ribbed with a well-defined loin. She has a gentle arch to her topline leading to a nicely angulated rear. She just needs to settle on the move, as I’m sure she will, to show off her true qualities.
  3. Walker, Mrs C Runaround Rosetta of Shoalingham

Special Beginners Bitch (4)

  1. Wignall, Mrs S Starswift Seductress
    Classic 16-month-old fawn, who was gracefully balanced. She has a lovely, feminine head with dark oval eyes and pigmentation, and beautifully rosed ears. Her neck is muscular and elegantly arched and flows smoothly into a good front assembly. Her back is broad and nicely ribbed, with a sweeping underline that compliments her curvy topline. She moved true on the out and back.
  2. Skinner, Mrs K Whitesquall Mionetto See 1st Puppy
  3. Hoddinott, Mrs S Sandspring Sea Urchin

Novice Bitch (10:4)

  1. Lock, Miss RL Ohoka Top Tuppence See 1st Minor Puppy
  2. Cahill, Mr M and Timberlake, Mr AJ Ardencote Dance a Dream at Chipperlake See 2nd Minor Puppy
  3. Barber, Mr D and Battley, Miss J Romaclove Love Me Do

Graduate Bitch (8:3)

  1. Wignall, Mrs S Starswift Seductress 1st Special Beginners
  2. Samson, Miss L Zoraden Orange is Da New Blue at Romaclove
    14-month-old black masked red fawn, with a beautiful head and expression. Her shoulders are clean, with flat muscles. She stands on straight forelegs with neat, well knuckled feet, though she could have slightly stronger pasterns. Lovely sweeping underline and broad, muscular loin. Moved soundly.
  3. Hoddinott Mrs S Sandspring Sea Hawk

Post Graduate Bitch (7:4)

This was a strong class

  1. Tristram, Miss C Pagarni’s Princess Elsa
    Upstanding 2 ½ year-old fawn and white trim, with lots to appreciate. What an elegant, typey hound, full of curves. She has a long, gracefully arched neck, with a well filled in forechest and clean, well-laid shoulders. Her hindquarters are balanced and nicely muscled. She looked wonderful in profile, maintaining her topline. She was in consideration for top honours. One I will watch.
  2. Carlton, Ms C and Olney, Mr T Chiendetom Fanfare
    Almost 3-year-old fawn and white, she presented a lovely balanced outline on the stack. I liked her depth of chest with sweeping underline and definite tuck up. Her back is broad, firmly muscled with a graceful arch over a strong loin and powerful croup. She moved with a long and easy stride.
  3. Saxby, Miss K D Runaround Amazin Grace with Sandspring

Limit Bitch (5:1)

  1. Longhurst, Mrs A and Miss A Abbeyhurst Dancing Queen JW
    A super smart 3-year-old blue fawn with an appealing outline. One who I have judged before and is maturing beautifully. Her head and muzzle are of the correct proportions, with strength to underjaw and strong dentition. She has a long, elegant neck that fits smoothly into well-laid shoulders. Her chest is deep, with nicely sprung ribs and her back is broad and muscular. I loved her rear quarters which were powerful with short, parallel hocks. She moved with a long, ground covering stride. RBB
  2. Thomas Ms M Bowdonia Sky Full of Stars
    A curvy 18-month-old fawn and brindle parti-coloured. She presented a lovely outline in profile. Feminine in head with dark oval eyes and pigmentation, and the most super rosed ears. She has a good depth of brisket with back well ribbed and a broad, powerful loin. Correctly angulated rear quarters with width to second thigh. Shown in super condition.
  3. Trouton, Mrs B E C Citycroft Grace Kelly of Runnel JW

Open Bitch (4)

  1. Howgate, Mr M and Hull, Ms Y Palmik Truth About Love JW
    A stunning, 2 ½-year-old cream who just oozes breed type. This top-notch girl caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring. She presents a quality, balanced outline with a series of curves from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. Her neck is elegantly arched and flows into a super front assembly. Her straight forelegs are placed directly under her withers. Her pasterns are strong with the correct amount of spring. She has a lovely sweeping underline, broad back and a gentle rise over her powerful loin. She was shown in tip-top condition – lithe, athletic and with her fine coat gleaming. She excelled on the move with a long, free daisy cutting action. BB & BIS.
  2. Thomas, Ms M and Halliday, Mrs A Brochinbelle Ooh La La at Bowdoina
    Elegant 4-year-old pale fawn brindle, shown in excellent muscular condition. She had the desired angulations for and aft, with depth to her brisket, pleasing tuck up and a broad, muscular back. Sound on the out and back with a good footfall in profile. A good, honest Whippet.
  3. Hills, Mrs C and Miss M Shimmeree Cool Calico

Open Height Bitch (7:2)

  1. Samson, Miss L Romavlove The Power of Love
    Stylish 5-year-old blue. Another I have judged before and who continues to impress. She is spot on for size and nicely made all through. I loved her feminine head, with kind, oval eyes and lovely rosed ears. Her strong neck flows into well-laid shoulders. Forelegs are straight with good pasterns and neat, well padded oval feet. Her rear is well-muscled, with well bent stifles. Correct in topline, which she held on the move.
  2. Trouton, Mrs B E C Citycroft Grace Kelly of Runnel JW
    An athletic 6 ½-year-old fawn and white who stood naturally over a lot of ground. Typical head and expression with dark oval eyes and pigmentation. Nicely angulated front assembly, with a curvy underline and broad, well ribbed back. Her rear quarters are powerful and well angulated with width to her second thigh. She held her shape well on the move, looking lovely in profile.
  3. Woodward, Mrs J M Brochinbelle Joyride at Hinxwood

Special Open Racing Bitch (3:1)

  1. Hoddinott, Mrs S Sandspring Sea Hawk
    A stylish 2½ -year-old black masked fawn with white trim, she is ideal for size and substance. Neck of good length into a decent front assembly, sweeping underline with definite tuck up. She has fair width to her rear with parallel hocks. Sound movement around the ring.
  2. Gardner, Dr S and Mrs D Winterfellin Must Be Crafty
    Coming up to 5, this brindle and white trim enjoyed her first time in the ring. Pretty, feminine head with small, nicely rosed ears. Good length of neck into fair shoulders, straight forelegs, and neat feet. Her rear is nicely balanced with well-bent stifles and strong hocks. She just had too much of an arch in her topline which made her appear slightly roached and affected her movement.

Special Open Lure Coursing Bitch (6:2)

  1. Webber, Ms D Zoraden Fifty Shades Darker JW
    Powerful 5-year-old black shown in super muscular condition. This girl is classic in outline, with all the desired gentle curves. She had a good length of neck into an excellent front assembly. Her chest is deep, allowing for plenty of heart and lung room. Rear is broad and well-muscled, with low set hocks. She moved positively at all times. BR&LCB, BRLCIS
  2. Soffe, Mrs K Penbriar Rocket Star
    6-year-old fawn brindle. Feminine head with correct eye shape and neat rosed ears. She has a good reach of neck that flowed into a gracefully arched topline. I liked her unexaggerated rear, which had width to her thighs and low set hocks. Nicely handled, she moved with freedom of action.
  3. Saxby Miss K D Sandspring Sea Coral

Judge: Elaine Bogart (Incitatus)

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