Birtsmorton on 3rd OCTOBER 2021 – 150 yards straight; veterans at ½yd/lb plus yd/yr
What a change in the weather. September near-drought, now October rain that caused our second Bend Championships of the year to be switched to a straight. Throwing in fuel supply issues and the continuing late summer kennel cough (I’d planned to travel Friday, my boy went down with it Wednesday evening) it was clear this meeting was going to be “different”!
Well done to everyone for making sure we had a good day, from the doughty volunteers who helped set up on a soggy Saturday to those who kindly pitched in on the Sunday.
For a change, no new racing Champions but congratulations to four new half-coats – *London Girl, *Glad All Over, *Scrappy Doo, *Moonlight Millie – and three new Veteran Crowns, Ameesha Just A Breeze, Riley’s Gold and Our Boy Ace.
Many, many thanks to those who have sponsored weight classes and rosettes through the year and to all those who have helped us through our Golden Jubilee year. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2022, I’m sure I’m not alone in hoping the sport can have a “normal” season!
Mark Etheridge (Chairman) reporting
Meanwhile, over at the racetrack…
We were all disappointed that, due to the adverse weather leading up to the Championships weekend, the scheduled bend had to be rearranged as a straight; better that than cancellation.
Our Chairman was confined to home with his dog (WCRCh The Cooler King) suffering from Kennel Cough and our Racing Manager, Ian German, seriously ill in hospital – we wish them both well soon.
It did feel like we were up against it! However, it was really heartening that so many people came forward before and on the day to help us. A huge thanks to all those that made our Championships a success with quite a few people taking the trouble to email and/or message me later that evening with positive feedback – we went home the following day with a spring in our step.
Ruth Mabb did a sterling job in the paddock, working with the trap team to ensure all the runners were where they needed to be at the right time – well done.
Some helpers came just to help without any runners – David and Gavin Cairns, they also brought Anne Williamson who line judged all day along with Terri Smith and Paul Priest. Mike Eaton and William Nichol all gave their time plus Jacquie Mullin who did a sterling job as an announcer, Graham Gilfeather and Dave Hunter (lure line control) Dave Cuttler on video camera and his son Daniel taking results – I can’t thank you enough for your hard work.
In a conscious effort to save time the heat win rosettes were handed out as we went and the passports for the finalists were retained, to be updated and returned later. The draw for the Portrait Competition was done by Lynn Hunter and Mark Etheridge had the winning ticket – congratulations. We look forward to seeing the end result.
It was a long day but it was good.
Kim Saxby
Full Results
WCRA Championships Mains
NE 16lb
WCRCh(s) DEXTERS LUNA-TIC (Hebworth Beth Dobbin – Tarramoss Noah’s Lad x Hebworth Evelyn Ashford). Owners: Mike & Joanne Dexter (time 10.87)
Heat win: WCRCh(s) Dexters Luna-Tic
NE 18lb
WCRCh AMEESHA SUMMER ROCKET (Ameesha Indian Summer – Billy On Show x Ameesha Pure Spirit). Owner: Liz Villis (time 9.81)
2nd Winterfell Must Be Love
3rd Mamma Mia
4th Zinghela Go-Quick
Heat wins: Winterfell Must Be Love, WCRCh Ameesha Summer Rocket
Semi Finals: WCRCh Ameesha Summer Rocket, Mamma Mia
NE 20lb
*LONDON GIRL (Ryamber Chiquitita – Goodad Special Duty x Ryamber Keep On Running). Owners: Jacquie Mullin/Dean Leonard (time 9.53)
2nd *Zikomo Go-Quick
3rd Ameesha Black Beauty
Heat wins: *Zikomo Go-Quick, London Girl, Two In One
Semi finals: *Zikomo Go-Quick, London Girl
NE 22lb
*GLAD ALL OVER (Super Trooper – Just Do It x Height Of Fashion). Owners: Jacquie Mullin/Dean Leonard (time 9.69)
2nd *Ryamber Stan The Man
3rd The Mighty Finn
4th Berties Gold
Heat Wins: Berties Gold, Ryamber Stan The Man, Cairdean Laguna Luna, Glad All Over
Semi Finals: The Mighty Finn, Glad All Over
NE 24lb
WCRCh CALL ME ENCHANTING (Freasley’s Lady Wizard – Drawn To Me x Lucky Me). Owners: Dave & Carole Cuttler (time 9.62)
2nd Tanwen
3rd Brontë
4th Zama Go-Quick
Heat Wins: WCRCh Call Me Enchanting, Brontë, Sister Dolores, Final Attraction
Semi Finals: WCRCh Call Me Enchanting, Brontë
NE 26lb
*SCRAPPY DOO (Lowlake Cross My Heart – Red Ferrari x Medlarway Iridescents Pearl). Owner: Vince Hart (time 9.70)
2nd WCRCh Dance With The Devil
3rd Dazzle Dee
4th *Murphy’s Gold
Heat Wins: *Murphy’s Gold, Scrappy Doo, WCRCh Dance With The Devil, Dazzle Dee
Semi Finals: WCRCh Dance With The Devil, Scrappy Doo
NE 28lb
WCRCh ONE FOR ARTHUR (Goodad One For Arthur – Chalkners Go Getter x Bravepad Good Hope of Goodad). Owner: Ruth Mabb (time 9.89)
2nd Sea The Skies
3rd Sea You On The Beach
Heat Wins: Sea The Skies, Sea You On The Beach

NE 30lb
*MOONLIGHT MILLIE (Elliemays Millie – Jolly Pocher x Rudy’s Rocknroller). Owners: Kevin Coe/Keeley Bradshaw (time 9.78).
2nd WCRCh Gimme Attraction
3rd Markamy’s Reddie Eddie
4th Sea The Moon.
Heat Wins: WCRCh Gimme Attraction, Yovbinslade, Markamy’s Reddie Eddie
Semi Finals: Markamy’s Reddie Eddie, Moonlight Millie.
NE 32lb
WCRCh FIGARO (Ryemeadows Figaro – Chalkners Flaming Arrow x Ryemeadows Autumnal Colour). Owner: Sandra Thorpe (time 9.55).
2nd Rising Sun
3rd Daddy’s Boy
4th Victor Quartermaine
Heat Wins: Daddy’s Boy, WCRCh Figaro.
Fastest Time Rosette – WCRCh Figaro, 9.10
WCRA Veteran Crowns
6/7 years:
VC AMEESHA JUST A BREEZE [New VC] (Ameesha Honeycomb – Mikadene Olympic Flame x Winter Shamrock At Ameesha). Owner: Liz Villis (time 10.60).
2nd VC Winterfell Merry Mayhem
3rd Cairdean Pipsqueak
4th Mojo Risin’
Heat Wins: VC Winterfell Merry Mayhem, Ameesha Just A Breeze
WCRCh VC RYAMBER SPRING FEVER (Ryamber A Moment In Time – One Of Us x Ryamber My Blue Heaven). Owner: Christine Howard (time 10.16)
2nd Trueloveways
3rd WCRCh VC Tinkers Moondancer
4th Cairdean Merry Monkey
Heat wins: Trueloveways, WCRCh VC Ryamber Spring Fever
VC *CALL ME AMAZING (Black Pearl of Hope – Run At Mill x Eddie’s Belle Of The Ball). Owners: Dave & Carole Cuttler (time 10.06)
2nd WCRCh Zola Go-Quick
3rd WCRCh Back To Light
4th Laguna Lawns Le Lundi
Heat Wins: WCRCh Back To Light, VC *Call Me Amazing
8/9 years:
WCRCh VC AMEESHA LITTLE EBS (Ameesha Pure Spirit – Busby Babe x Stokecourcy Hazel at Ameesha). Owner: Liz Villis (time 10.43)
2nd WCRCh Jett Black
Heat wins: WCRCh Jett Black, WCRCh VC Ameesha Little Ebs
VC RILEY’S GOLD [New VC] (Wagtail Riley – Zephyrus The Wave Rider at Gildi x Midsummer Cully. Owners: Maggie & John Brearley (time 10.27)
2nd WCRCh The Poet
3rd Jessie J
4th Winterfell Crazy Lay Dee.
Heat Wins: Riley’s Gold, Jessie J
VC OUR BOY ACE [New VC] (Rorross Ace Venture – Tom Boy He’s The One x Diane’s Girl). Owners: John & Sheila Strain
2nd *Max Attraction.
Heat Wins Our Boy Ace, *Max Attraction