DNA Profiling – Update

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Letter to Seconders, reproduced here for clarity

As many of you will know, the WCRA brought DNA profiling into effect to protect the purity of the breed and this was done as a result of and in consultation with affiliated clubs at an Extraordinary Club Representatives meeting over 5 years ago.

The WCRA considered this move ground breaking and hoped the dog community would follow our example, however this hasn’t been the case.

When the DNA process was originally voted in the procedure was going to cost racers £15 per dog; however, by the time it was implemented, the Kennel Club had raised the cost to £25.

Because of the financial outlay and the rigmarole of this procedure to obtain a passport, the process becomes drawn out and incurs higher costs so at times racers have struggled to get their passport in time for a forthcoming event.

Therefore the WCRA committee proposed an amendment to rule 3.1(b) which simply meant the wording would revert to its pre-2011 wording“Registration is the joint responsibility of the WCRA and the Registrar. The minimum requirements for registration of whippets with the WCRA are:- a) Kennel Club Registration, b) Five generations of registered breeding acceptable to the WCRA and the Whippet Club…” therefore passport applications would not require DNA profiling.

This proposed rule change was put forward at the recent Whippet Club AGM on 19th March which was unanimously voted in favour and approved. However, we cannot adopt any such rule change until it has been ratified by the Kennel Club and, whilst we are now in a position to request their approval, until that formality is complete the DNA certificate is still required on all passport applications.

In the interim period, the WCRA Committee has considered the best way to help reduce the financial outlay and have put in place the following for 2016:-

  • Issue all new 2016 Passports free of charge (usual cost £10)
  • A free entry to the Third Championships to all whippets with new 2016 Passports

This represents a total saving of up to £19 per new application.

We hope this explanation prevents any further confusion.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Kim Saxby
Cc: Garry Comber/Registrar

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